Question: NYU Publishing

22 03 2010

NYUGood morning!

This is not a review, but more of a personal post and a question that I am posing to all of my readers.

I was recently accepted into the Master’s program in Publishing at NYU. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, and am interested in working in book publishing but have absolutely no prior work experience.

Will having a Master’s degree help me to break through in the industry? And moreover, does anyone have any experience with this specific program at NYU? I haven’t been able to find anyone to give me their experiences one way or another and NYU isn’t being terribly helpful.

I would appreciate any advice or guidance that any of you could give me!

I have already sent in my deposit to hold my spot in the program, but I don’t want to enter into it completely unprepared.

I’m quite excited and intimidated by the prospect of living in New York City (I’m from Toronto), and would also appreciate insight into how it is to move to NYC and where to look for apartments.

I have an endless number of questions pertaining to this program and New York City, but I’ll leave it at that and hope that some enthusiastic and knowledgeable person will comment and ease my suffering.

Thank you!